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Turn your idea into a mobile app, no coding experience necessary

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Our mobile devices have become an extension of our bodies due to the endless amount of time spent on them. It is easier than ever to consume through mobile apps, yet, the barrier to entry to develop our own is extreamely high. Many of us have unique, potentially multi-million dollar ideas that we can never see through to creation due to a lack of experience (or education) in mobile app development. The NEST IDE platform solves this problem - you can now develop your own mobile application without ANY coding experience.

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The NEST platform allows you to create mobile apps through a simple desktop UI face. The days of hiring developers to sit and scrum through code are over. If you have an idea, why spend time and money hiring someone when you can prototype the framework yourself? Try it for yourself -- see how the NEST platform revolutionizes the way we look at mobile app development.

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The NEST team aims to stay at the forefront of innovation. We have developed a separate anaytics platform that provides detailed anlytics over user patterens, app acivities and suggestions for a true AI engine to power your app. Your app will require constant reiteration to meet ever changing user requirments. NEST incorporates app analytics into the software development process and allows you to quickly release improvements to your app product.